Tuesday, June 28, 2011

Sydney Segue

Flourish and Blume thought they'd have a quick trip to Sydney, especially since our favourite traveling companion invited us for the drive - it's just down the road really (on the iPhone map).

Only a little bit of pollution, only a slight nip in the air, everyone on their iPhones and a hell of an adventure for a couple of country chicks with a chair (I'll get to that later, this is the segue). The best bits: -Graffiti, stencils and a bit of needle craft on a wall in Newtown (I'm sure your iPhone will know which wall). No artist credits I'm sorry, if you hear of who did them get them to tag themselves on Facebook on their iPhone.

-How cool are these? Helacool. They are by Helen Proctor, she was selling them too cheap in Newtown in the bit where they have a little market, right near that wall. You can contact her at this email address: helacool@tpg.com.au

Best of all was the lovely chicks we met up with who offered everything from their beds to their electric blankets - the kind of hospitality that restores a chick's faith in human kindness. We <3 Sydney and the bit just north of it where this house can only go one way...

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